Mike Head Shot

Mike Andrew is a landscape photographer based on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, I’m self taught and have been interested in photography for a long time.

I first started out in the middle 80’s using film, then my journey went digital and I haven’t stopped photographing everything that moves, well not literally, but almost.

Landscape photography is a challenge, capturing what nature has to offer can sometimes be a difficult process for a photographer. Looking at nature the way an artist paints a picture is something I’ve learned through trial and error. Using light and shade and colour to give an image emotion and depth takes practice, sometimes I get it right, other times I miss the mark, but I always strive to improve and capture the landscape around me the way it was when I looked through the viewfinder of my camera.

My main equipment these days is a Canon 5D Mark 3, Canon 17-40 and 70-200 L series lenses, Lee Filters and Manfrotto tripods.

Please enjoy viewing the images on this site, they are all for sale, I’m also featuring limited edition prints on this site, that are shipped to you numbered and signed by me, so come back often.

If you really like one of more of the images you see on this site, please leave me your feedback, I really enjoy getting messages from people.

Best wishes

Mike Andrew


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