
I spent last weekend in Hobart Tasmania, and whilst the weather was not overly kind to us, we did manage to get some nice shots around Richmond and Port Arthur. I had wanted to shoot the old Richmond Bridge, which was built in 1823 by convict labor and is still in use...
Baltic and Europe Visit

Baltic and Europe Visit

I’ve just returned from a great trip to the Baltic region of Europe, chasing the Viking trail across Norway, Helsinki and Sweden. I manged to shoot over 2000 images of what I would consider a great part of the world to photograph, it’s so pretty with lots...

Dental Surgery Waiting Room Now Displays Our Prints

We have finalised the addition of 2 of our images now on display in a dental surgery waiting room in Brisbane. These were printed on Hi Quality canvas and look superb, now at least whilst waiting for the dentist the patients have something pleasant to think...

Balmoral Pier Photo has a new Home

Our print of “Balmoral Pier” was delivered yesterday to our client in Sydney, thanks go to Sydney Art & Framing who handled the printing and framing for me. If you would like to own your copy of this fabulous print of the jetty in Balmoral in Sydney,...

Channel Nine News Bus Side

Keep an eye out on the Gold Coast for the new Channel Nine Bus promoting 9’s Gold Coast News at 5:30pm. You’ll see one of our images used as the backdrop behind the Channel Nine News Team....

Narrowneck Beach Sunrise has a new home

Thank you to Ben and Jodie from Narrowneck Court Apartments in Surfers Paradise for purchasing one of our prints “Narrowneck Beach Sunrise” for their apartment complex. It looks fantastic in canvas and greets everyone as they enter the reception area....

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